Reminder of Federal Register Comment Period for Revised Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver
On March 17, 2015, USCIS published a 60-Day notice in the Federal Register inviting public comment on a revised version of Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver.
Title of Notice | Type of Notice | Comment Period Expiration Date | FR Number |
Application for Fee Waivers and Exemption, Form I-912; Revision of a Currently Approved Collection | 60-Day Notice |
05/18/2015 Accepting comments through: 05/28/2015 |
79 FR 13880 |
We encourage stakeholders to make comments by May 18 to ensure they are fully considered. We will continue to accept comments for an additional 10 days, until May 28, to accommodate anyone who is unable to respond by May 18. After May 28, we will publish a 30-day notice in the Federal Register, which provides stakeholders with an additional 30-day comment period before the form is published as final.
We will issue the final revised Form I-912 after the public comment period is over, we have addressed the comments, and the Office of Management and Budget approves the form.
Customers may continue to use the current version of Form I-912 (PDF) (05/10/13 Y) until further notice. In addition, customers can use the Form I-912 filing tips on our website.
We remind the public to avoid immigration scams and unauthorized practitioners of immigration law by:
- Using the official USCIS website for Form I-912 information;
- Downloading forms for free; and
- Verifying that the person providing legal services and advice is authorized to do so.
Please visit for tips on how to find authorized legal assistance and how to recognize and avoid common scams.