Registry Files Image Galleries
Applicants had to prove they were resident in the United States prior to July 1, 1924.

The images shown in this gallery are of typical documents found in Registry Files and are for representative purposes only. Some data have been omitted due to privacy reasons. Documents availability vary by case.
Registry Files opened with a 4-page application document. The form changed over time but includes extensive biographical information, including the full and maiden names of both parents, details about the applicant’s arrival in the US, and specific data on their employment and residential history in the US.
To prove residence in the US prior to July 1, 1924, some Registry applicants submitted employment records.
Some Registry applicants also submitted character references from friends or employers.
To prove residence in the US prior to July 1, 1924, some Registry applicants submitted sworn affidavits from friends, neighbors, or co-workers.
To prove residence in the US prior to July 1, 1924, some Registry applicants submitted bank account or financial records.
To prove residence in the US prior to July 1, 1924, some Registry applicants submitted church records.
To prove residence in the US prior to July 1, 1924, most Registry applicants submitted police or criminal background check records.
The documents submitted, results of investigation, and applicant’s eligibility was summarized in a “Findings” document recommending the application be granted or denied.
The final Registry File document is a decision showing the application was granted or denied. It summarizes the facts in the case and displays all known file numbers related to the immigrant. There may also be later annotations connected to the naturalization of the immigrant based on the
arrival record created through Registry proceedings.