James L. Houghteling
Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, August 26, 1937 - July 31, 1940

Born in Chicago on November 6, 1883, James Houghteling's career began in 1900 with his family's banking firm. During World War I he took part in the Argonne offensive and served as special attache to the American Embassy in Petrograd, Russia, during the overthrow of the Czar. After his return, Houghteling entered the newspaper business. From 1926 to 1931 he was a vice president of the Chicago Daily News, and served as a director of the Chicago Times from 1931 until 1937 when he was appointed INS Commissioner. After leaving INS in 1940, he was named an assistant to then Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau. From 1946 to 1952 he was Chairman of the Fair Employment Board, Civil Service Commission. Houghteling died at his home in Washington, D.C., on April 28, 1962.
Complied from the following sources:
INS Information Bulletin, June 1962
Who was Who in America, Vol. 4 (1961-1968).